Ok. All well and good. My first question would be a very simple one: can you actually find people who believe the same facts as you do? such as: that Joe Biden won the last election. Can you find people who share with you a common understanding of the way the world works (such as the physics of global warming)? Can you find people that believe a woman has a right to choice? I am not being facetious. These are real questions. I encounter such extreme opinions and unwillingness to listen to what I consider to be the existential facts of the universe when I’m on Threads, the social app, that I despair that these open minded individuals exist. However, I am given to believe you must have, otherwise you would not show such optimism about the future. I, too, believe in bridge building, like my hero, Senator Bernie Sanders. He says work with anyone as long as you can get it done. Hence, I have become a pragmatist. I will talk with anyone who will listen to me, but do not suffer fools, or sealioning.

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